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My Account Manual

Contact Details

The Contact Details page is where you can view a summary of your account balances, view and edit your Above.com/Trellian details such as your address, phone number and VAT if applicable and change your password.

Changing your Password

If you have been given a temporary password or want to change it as a security measure please:

  1. Log into your Above.com account and click on the My Account link.
  2. Click on the Contact Details link under the Account Details section.
  3. Click on the Change button beside the Password field.
  4. Enter the old/current password.
  5. Set the new password you would like.
  6. Confirm the new password by entering it again.
  7. Click on the Change Password button.

The new password will then be set and should be used the next time you log in.

If you can not remember your password you can use the Forgotten Password tool to change it.

Updating your Contact Details

To update any of the details in the Contact section please:

  1. Log into your Above.com account and click on the My Account link.
  2. Click on the Contact Details link under the Account Details section.
  3. Click on the Edit Contact Details button.
  4. Update the required details.
  5. Click the Update button to save your changes.

Note: Any information removed from a required field must be filled in again before updating.