Maximizer Advertising Channel’s Record-Breaking Cyber Week

Cyber Monday hit a record-setting $6.6B in revenue. That was an increase of 17% year-over-year. The momentum began with Black Friday and continued through the week of Cyber Monday with no signs of a slow down.

Domain investors using Above’s Maximizer Advertising Channel reaped the benefits as direct advertisers bid aggressively for direct navigation traffic from Above.

What led to some individual domains and even entire portfolios making as much as 400% more than what they made during last year’s Cyber Week?

  • Record-setting $6.6B being spent on Cyber Monday.
  • Increased payout rates from Maximizer.
  • Strong demand for traffic from direct advertisers due to our long-standing reputation for quality.

There is still time to get in on these massive payouts! Experts predict historical holiday season spending will continue as daily online sales will hit the $2b mark at least 10 more times this year. (source: adobe news)

  • If currently pointing domains to Above’s DNS, make sure Maximizer is enabled in your folder settings.
  • If not yet pointing domains to Above’s name server, make the change now!
  • Contact us to confirm your domains are properly prepared in order to get the most out of Maximizer.

Don’t miss this outstanding revenue opportunity!
