Case Study: 25% Increase in Maximizer Revenue

In addition to making parking companies compete in real-time for your traffic, AutoPilot also enables premium advertisers to bid for the same traffic.

This is called our Maximizer feature. It maximizes the competition for your traffic and therefore maximizes your revenue.

A recent case study illustrates how AutoPilot and its Maximizer feature can improve your revenue.

  • An elite domainer recently moved 3,000 domains from “Parking Company A” to’s DNS.
  • Prior to changing the DNS, our team of experts manually assigned categories and keywords to qualifying domains in his portfolio.
  • Thanks to AutoPilot and its Maximizer feature, total revenue in first 30 days increased by an impressive 25%!

What revenue increase can your domain portfolio get when placed on AutoPilot with Maximizer?

If you have domains with traffic in popular categories, contact us to discuss.
