Yahoo Gives Out SYNDICATION Rights to DDC!

yahoo-logo.gifJust received an email from Yahoo effectively advising that they have given Syndication of their Search Feeds the GREEN light.

Yahoo BOSS (Build Your Own Service) is a great Open Search API, where the goal of BOSS is simple: “to foster innovation in the search industry. Developers, start-ups, and large Internet companies can use BOSS to build and launch web-scale search products that utilize the entire Yahoo! Search index. BOSS gives you access to Yahoo!’s investments in crawling and indexing, ranking and relevancy algorithms, and powerful infrastructure. By combining your unique assets and ideas with our search technology assets, BOSS is a platform for the next generation of search innovation, serving hundreds of millions of users across the Web.” Source

Yahoo have removed the daily caps, removed all the other restrictions that were with the original Yahoo Search APIs. Well Done Yahoo… that sure is one way to get a lot of third party tools using Yahoo search, aka greater search share for Yahoo.

The Interesting part was that Yahoo emailed advising to sign up via their 1st Yahoo! Search BOSS syndication partner Here is a copy of the email received:

BOSS Developers,

Thank you for making Yahoo! Search BOSS the most popular Open Search API in the world.

We are reaching out via your registered email address you used upon signing up for a BOSS appid. My apologies if you have already received similar messaging through the ysearchboss Yahoo! group.

We would like to make it simpler for developers to get access to Yahoo!’s Sponsored Search ads. We have consistently seen requests for the ability to make money on your amazing innovations – so why wait. As of October 9 , in partnership with Domain Development Corp (DDC), our first approved Yahoo! Search BOSS syndication partner, developers can get global access to Yahoo! Sponsored Search ads and benefit from revenue generated by their BOSS-powered products.

To apply, please visit You need to provide some details about your product, and upon approval you will be given access and support to Yahoo!

Sponsored Search Ads and be able to earn a revenue share. Please note that in signing up for this Sponsored Search ad program, you will be entering into a contract with a third party, not Yahoo!, and the third party will be providing support and sending you your earnings. Other Yahoo! Search BOSS Ad partners may be online in the future, so stay tuned for updates.

Thank you for your continued support.

Ashim Chhabra

Senior Product Manager,

Yahoo! Search BOSS


If you can get past the enrol form which is rather extensive time to implement Yahoo feeds.
