What do you want to start?

Recently, I happened across a quote from Karen Lamb. “A year
from now you may wish you had started today.”

So often we keep putting off for later what we could start
now. Our reasons are varied. “I don’t have the money.” Or “I need to be more
financially secure/have more saved.” “I don’t know how to do X.” “I don’t have
time.” Maybe it’s just a simple fear of failing. Either way, we have so many
excuses that we rationalize as reasons that too often, we never start.

For me, I know I’ve had plenty of my own excuses that have
prevented me from starting many things. Usually a lack of knowledge and time
are my big hindrances. Since I was a child I have wanted to learn to speak
German. Unfortunately, German wasn’t an option that was taught when I was in
school so I studied Spanish instead. German was still on my list of things to
learn, but it was always somewhere down the road. Finally this summer I said
enough of someday, and started learning German. I’m not very far, but I already
know 100% more in a few weeks than I did a year ago.

What do you want to start but haven’t? What’s holding you

Are you like many domainers and have a number of domains in
your portfolio that you have plenty of ideas for and someday, you’ll do
something with them? What’s holding you back? Let us know, maybe we can help!
