We Are Heading To Where There’s T.R.A.F.F.I.C. !

Above.com will be a sponsor of the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference, with the next show May 27–31 in Las Vegas.  The T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference has been the gold standard for the domain investment business since 2004, so expectations are always high for this event.

I recall the feeling of many attendees following the last T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference in Florida, where there were new faces in attendance, and the mood was one of excitement and optimism.   There was plenty of lively debate regarding the merits of new gTLDs vs. .COM.  It was apparent that the world of domain investors was changing yet again.  This energy did not end with the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference, but instead rolled right into the newcomer conference – NamesCon.

I had no doubt that the NamesCon conference would be a good conference from an organization perspective.  That show had three dynamic people at its core in Richard Lau, Jodi Chamberlain, and Jothan Frakes.  What opened my eyes a bit wider was seeing the sponsorship engagement and the number of domain investors in attendance.  It seemed that they too had that glimmer in their eye that I saw back at TRAFFIC.  GREAT SHOW!  People were optimistic about the future of domain investing.

We were delighted that Oversee.net announced their DomainFest was officially on the calendar. DomainFest has always been a good conference for Above.com to attend because there are so many clients with business models based upon domain parking.  I was concerned that there was too little time to prepare for the show, and I could only imagine how crazy that Oversee was in the weeks leading up to the show. I was quite impressed with the DomainFest conference.  Impressed not only that Oversee pulled together a fantastic conference in a very short time frame, but even more so with the continuation of energy that I saw at both NamesCon and at TRAFFIC.

Now we come full circle back to the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. show.  I am curious whether that feeling of optimism and the energy to make things happen will be as evident this time around.  Above.com is committed to the domain investment community and that is why we participate in all of these conferences.  Note I did not say that we “attend” but instead I said that we “participate”.  We do so because the domain investment community is OUR COMMUNITY.  The excitement, optimism, and energy felt by OUR COMMUNITY feels good!

Please join us in Las Vegas for the next T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference.


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