Are You Profiting from Your Expired Domains?

Normally when you let a domain expire, there’s very little benefit if any for you as most registrars will sell what expired inventory they can and keep 100% of the profits.That seems rather unfair, doesn’t it? Yes, you let the … Read More


Normally when you let a domain expire, there’s very little benefit if any for you as most
registrars will sell what expired inventory they can and keep 100% of the
profits.That seems rather unfair, doesn’t it? Yes, you let the domain expire, but shouldn’t it still be a symbiotic relationship?

we think so. We have a program for sharing domain sales profit from expired domains. The Expiring Domain Sales Program is an opt-in program offered to clients with more
than ten domain names registered with us. Participants of the program retain 60% of the profit from the sale of any domains they let
expire at Above. All expiring domains are auctioned in the Above
Marketplace with a minimum sale price of $49.99.

Wouldn’t you like another potential source of revenue? Especially one that required very little effort on your part? Then let’s talk! We’re pretty proud of the Expiring Domain Sales Program and would love to tell you more. Contact Victor Pitts (victor at for the details. We understand changing registrars can be a painful process, but we think we can make it worthwhile. The registrar is ICANN accredited and we offer competitive pricing. What do you have to lose? (Besides expiring sales revenue to your current registrar that is).
