Gain An Advantage Selling Domains With Verified Stats

Buyers interested in revenue and traffic domains are much more likely to buy or submit an offer if they can see trustworthy stats.

So if you have a traffic or revenue domain for sale, and if that domain uses our AutoPilot platform, increase your chances of a sale by offering potential buyers access to Verified Stats.

above-verified-stats-screenshot-2To do so, use our Verified Stats tool.

This highly customizable tool allows you to select the range of dates you want the buyer to see stats for and the length of time the stats will be viewable.

An access code is generated for you to give to buyers at your discretion. Buyers need to have an account to see the Verified stats. Or you can enter the buyer’s username in the tool so only that user can see the information after logging in.

Creating a Verified Stats code is quick and easy. Simply log into your AutoPilot account, click “Verified Stats” on the top menu and then choose “Create New Code.”

Using Verified Stats will help you build trust with a prospective buyer by making it easy to highlight your domain’s traffic and revenue data. Buyers will be both impressed and more inclined to make an offer when they’re granted exclusive access to that information.
