Portfolio Manager

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Offers Received



Verified Stats

Monetization API

Registrar API

My Account Manual

Create New Code

Using the Access Verified Stats feature, you can grant other users access to your domain parking stats. This is done through an Access Code that you create and distribute. By using the code, other users will be able to view your domain revenue and traffic stats.

To get started, click the Create New Code link in the Verified Stats section.

  1. The first thing you will need to do is set a name for the Verified Stats Portfolio.
  2. You will then need to select which domains are included. You can either select all the domains in your account, all the domains in 1 or more folders or you can enter the individual domains one per line.
  1. Chose from the options of which stats to display.
  1. Select the date range to display the stats from.
  1. Specify the length of access.
  1. Set the BIN, Min Offer and Reserve For Sale Pricing on the portfolio of domains.
  2. Click on Create Code button when you have entered the required settings.

You will then be given the Verified Stats code that can be provided to other users to view the portfolio.